YAG Capsulotomy
This is a laser treatment used to improve vision after cataract surgery when the natural capsule behind the lens has become frosted. It is a simple and commonly performed procedure which is very safe. 

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) uses a cool laser to promote drainage. It can be used when the glaucoma is first diagnosed instead of drops, or to compliment drop therapy. 

MLTMicropulsed Diode Laser Trabeculoplasty (MLT) 
The same risk, effectiveness and repeatability profile as SLT but uses a different laser wavelength. MLT uses a laser which switches on and off many times per “shot” and hence proclaims to cause less inflammation and improve safety.

Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (ECP)
Is a laser procedure performed at the same time or after cataract surgery and has been proven to be highly effective in reducing or eliminating the need to continue glaucoma medications in the majority of patients receiving the treatment.

External cyclodiode
This is a laser treatment used in the treatment of glaucoma that is difficult to control. The laser is applied to the ciliary body in the eye, which reduces the production of fluid (aqueous humour) and can keep the pressure low.

Laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI)
Is the preferred treatment for treating angle closure caused by relative or absolute pupil block. LPI illuminates pupillary block by allowing the aqueous to pass directly from the posterior chamber, bypassing the pupil.

Is a laser surgical technique designed to open up the iridocorneal angle after laser iridotomy or when an LPI is not possible.


For further information please contact Carol or Suzanne on kerseyeyesec@gmail.com or isec@southeasteyesurgeon.co.uk or ring 01256 377643 or 07880 223 212 - they can supply you with an information sheet or alternatively book an appointment.