What is a Cataract?

A cataract is a gradual worsening of the vision caused by clouding to the natural lens in your eye.

Symptoms of cataract include:

Cloudy or fuzzy vision
Faded colours
Problems with bright lights, poor vision at night
Double or multiple images from one eye
Having to change glasses or contact lenses often due to frequent prescription changes

What is Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery involves a local anaesthetic (eye drops) and is performed as day case surgery where you are home within a few hours of surgery. At the patients request we can and do perform cataract surgery under general anaesthesia where appropriate. During the procedure the cloudy lens is replaced with a clear synthetic lens allowing the patient to have clear vision again. 

Are there different types of intraocular lenses?

There are two types - multifocal and monofocal lenses.

They are both used to achieve high quality of vision for you and your lifestyle. The most common type of lens used in the UK is a monofocal lens. These lenses have a single focal length meaning clear distance vision and the need for glasses to read.

It is possible to use monofocal lenses to see both distance and near, something called blended or mono vision. In this scenario the one eye is used to see distance objects and the other eye to see for near vision.

Using multifocal lenses can allow patients to use both eyes together for distance and near objects. These lenses like the  blended vision option  described above help patients to be less dependent on glasses for reading and distance.

For further information please contact Carol or Suzanne on kerseyeyesec@gmail.com or isec@southeasteyesurgeon.co.uk or ring 01256 377643 or 07880 223 212 - they can supply you with an information sheet or alternatively book an appointment.